Leading Gynecologist, Professor Arif Tajammul starts using CloudClinik EMR

In every society there are groups of people who may be labelled as “the innovators” and these people are not only innovative in their actions but have an attention to detail that is hard to match. Information Technology has been on the boom for the last decade or so and it is both heartening and petrifying at the same time to see how all age groups are quickly adapting according to the contemporary needs to run businesses. Continue reading Leading Gynecologist, Professor Arif Tajammul starts using CloudClinik EMR

Electronic Medical Records (EMR) & Importance of Immunization

World Immunization Week is celebrated each year at the end of April to help reiterate the importance of  immunization for all children particularly those who are consistently barred.  Continue reading Electronic Medical Records (EMR) & Importance of Immunization

Electronic Medical Record (EMR) & Health Care Dynamics

Only thing constant about markets today is ‘change’. Therefore, organizational development should not only reflect what is happening today but also prepare to appropriately identify emerging changes in market conditions to best benefit from the opportunities for proper management and growth through change or account management. Continue reading Electronic Medical Record (EMR) & Health Care Dynamics

CloudClinik at STEP Conference 2016

Step Conference is MENA’s largest conference and exhibition focusing on tech, digital and entertainment companies from around the region. This year CloudClinik was also selected as one of the tech companies, it presented to various subject matter experts, investors, VC s and Angel Investors. Corporates like Nescafe, Magnitt, Facebook, Google, Wamda Capital, and AstroLabs were among the partners of this event.  Continue reading CloudClinik at STEP Conference 2016

World Health Day 2016 – Diabetes Awareness & Care Management

How many times are we told to eat less sugar as it causes one of the most common chronic illness i.e. Diabetes. Continue reading World Health Day 2016 – Diabetes Awareness & Care Management

4 ways EMR increases patient retention

Have you treated a patient once and never see them come back for the next appointment? The patient was treated well by you and your staff also served the patient with total care. This is not uncommon and happens quite often to practices and eventually you start to lose your patients to some other clinic. Continue reading 4 ways EMR increases patient retention

Sight’s Thief – World Glaucoma Week 2016

To celebrate the world glaucoma week let’s discuss and raise awareness on what glaucoma is, why does it happen and how can one avoid it. Glaucoma is the leading cause of blindness with over 3 million people suffering from it. Continue reading Sight’s Thief – World Glaucoma Week 2016

6 Reasons to start using EMR at your clinic

An EMR (Electronic Medical Records) is a tool that eliminates paper files from your practice and brings all your practice information at your fingertips. All you need is a device and an internet connection and you’re all set to manage your practice online with state of the art technology making your clinic a trendsetter in the healthcare sector. Continue reading 6 Reasons to start using EMR at your clinic

International Epilepsy Day 2016

I was in 6th grade when I first saw someone have a seizure in public. She was a friend and it happened during our recess. We were sitting in an empty classroom when suddenly her body started doing strange jerking motions and then it went stiff. She turned blue and I thought she was dying. She looked limp and heavy. Looking at her condition I started crying for help, one of our teacher came quickly, rushed her to emergency care in school and called the ambulance. Her body convulsions lasted a few minutes but those minutes were engraved in my memory for the rest of my life. Continue reading International Epilepsy Day 2016

World Cancer Day 2016

Cancer is a disease too prevalent to ignore. It is the second leading cause of death after heart attack. It is a disease that affects so many people and virtually we all know someone who has died of cancer. Around 8.2 million people die of cancer each year. However, cancer is 90% curable if diagnosed in time. Continue reading World Cancer Day 2016