World Health Day

7th April is celebrated as World Health Day. Since the 1950s, World Health Organization marked this date to spread general awareness worldwide regarding different prevailing health issues and how to prevent and combat them efficiently. 

Each year, WHO announces a theme for World Health Day. Last year in 2020, it was dedicated to the nurses and midwives to honour their contribution to the health sector. This year, however, the theme is different. The theme for 2021’s World Health Day is “Building a fairer, healthier world”.

Building a fairer, healthier world

This theme has been announced keeping in mind the disparities that were observed in the year 2020 because of COVID-19. Health systems are not standard all over the world. Some people have better access to medicines and treatments than others. Some get to outlive COVID-19, and some succumb to the deadly virus due to low immunity, lack of nutrition, inadequate health treatments, and lack of clean water, etc. 

The predicament of COVID-19 forced experts to analyse and thus a promise has been made to strive and build a fairer healthier world, where everyone gets access to quality food supply and health treatments as their basic human right. 

Health Conditions in Pakistan

The current health conditions are pretty dire in Pakistan. With a population of over 60 million below the poverty line, the majority remains deprived of the health treatments and facilities they are entitled to. Diseases like Malaria, Dengue Fever, Tuberculosis, and Cancer are running rampant and with COVID-19 under its third deadly wave, the situation is rather grave. 

Although the authorities and government are trying their level best to accommodate as many people, we are still facing various challenges to extend medical attention to all those in need. The vaccination drive for the elderly has commenced and we expect to have the majority of people vaccinated in the following months.

Challenges of COVID-19

While COVID-19 has not taken kindly to any country, the developing nations especially have taken the brunt of it. With complete nation-wide lockdowns not an option due to the crippling economy, corrective measures and strict SOPs are being carried out to the maximum capacity to contain the virus and keep people protected.

In such dire circumstances, telemedicine portals have been a massive help in extending medical attention without exposing the staff and patients to external environment. CloudClinik has played its role in facilitating people get in touch with medical experts remotely from the comfort of their homes.

This World Health Day, the theme of building a fairer and healthier world sits aptly to our situations. It implores our leaders to diligently take notice of the inequalities in the nation when it comes to health facilities and ensure proper health care systems are established. Let’s us all pledge to play our part in spreading awareness about good health.

CloudClinik: Addressing pervasive healthcare challenges in Pakistan through Technology & Innovation

The term telemedicine as accepted by World Health Organization is, “The delivery of health care services, where distance is a critical factor, by all health care professionals using information and communication technologies for the exchange of valid information for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease and injuries, research and evaluation, and for the continuing education of health care providers, all in the interests of advancing the health of individuals and their communities”
Continue reading CloudClinik: Addressing pervasive healthcare challenges in Pakistan through Technology & Innovation


A published report by Harvard University has concluded that the use of telemedicine has been on the rise in the rural areas. The report published in Health issue in May reports a 45% jump in patient’s use of telemedicine from 2004 to 2014. Another report published by Nemours Children’s Health System showed that 64% of the parents have used or plan to use telemedicine for the treatment of their child. Despite the obvious benefits there is slow acclimation to the use of telemedicine. Continue reading TELEMEDICINE: THE FUTURE OF HEALTH CARE

CloudClinik: World Malaria Day 2017

Every year World Malaria Day is celebrated on 25th April to shed light on global effort to control malaria. Each year on April 25, organizations and NGOs around the world collaborate to raise awareness on malaria prevention and cure. Continue reading CloudClinik: World Malaria Day 2017

CloudClinik Stands Up to Eradicate Polio

In September last year, the Global Health Institute called out a conference to discuss the eradication of polio from the world. The conference mapped out areas still not freed from this epidemic and formulated an action plan for the endemic. With an additional $1.5 billion in budget, the WHO aims to exterminate the virus’s existence from the globe. Continue reading CloudClinik Stands Up to Eradicate Polio

3 Key Features of an Efficient EMR Software

With the plethora of EMR (Electronic Medical Records)  Software out in the market, the best one is the one that really solves your management problem and has the following 3 key features that streamlines your workflow. Continue reading 3 Key Features of an Efficient EMR Software

Dr. Genan of Dijla Dental Center talks about CloudClinik

“Our entire staff likes the system because it is simple, easy and covers all our business requirements”
Dr Genan Al-Shakhly, Medical Director, Dijla Dental Center met with CloudClinik EMR Executive team and shared her views and experience about the usage of software at their state of the art dental facility.

CloudClinik signs a landmark partnership with Ooredoo to provide Qatar’s first Cloud based EMR 

CloudClinik EMR, an emerging E-Health software company, has announced a new agreement with Ooredoo to develop Qatar’s first cloud-based electronic medical record (EMR) and practice management system.

Continue reading CloudClinik signs a landmark partnership with Ooredoo to provide Qatar’s first Cloud based EMR 

CloudClinik receives recognition at PASHA ICT Awards 2014


CloudClinik, a new generation e-health platform by INFOGISTIC, stood up proudly as the runner-up at Pasha ICT Awards 2014 in recognition as the one of the most innovative ICT solution in Health & Well-being segment.