CloudClinik Stands Up to Eradicate Polio

In September last year, the Global Health Institute called out a conference to discuss the eradication of polio from the world. The conference mapped out areas still not freed from this epidemic and formulated an action plan for the endemic. With an additional $1.5 billion in budget, the WHO aims to exterminate the virus’s existence from the globe. Continue reading CloudClinik Stands Up to Eradicate Polio

Electronic Medical Records (EMR) & Importance of Immunization

World Immunization Week is celebrated each year at the end of April to help reiterate the importance of  immunization for all children particularly those who are consistently barred.  Continue reading Electronic Medical Records (EMR) & Importance of Immunization

World Health Day 2016 – Diabetes Awareness & Care Management

How many times are we told to eat less sugar as it causes one of the most common chronic illness i.e. Diabetes. Continue reading World Health Day 2016 – Diabetes Awareness & Care Management